
The #1 new release on Amazon in
Careers and Job Hunting

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What people are saying.

Part motivational, part kick-in-the-butt practical, Power Moves is the career guidance you need for your career right now and Lauren is the career guide you’ve been seeking.
I can’t start this review without saying how much I love Lauren! She is a gem of a person and a wealth of knowledge. As a long time CC fan, I can’t help but feel like this book is really a reflection of the community she’s built. It’s obviously a great read and for someone who doesn’t usually buy my own copies of books, I know that this is one that I will treasure for life! I love the conversational honesty and immediately applicable advice - as someone who is still early in my career, these kinds of books make me think I’m finding cheat codes and obstacles that others jumped through which I can now avoid, which is an awesome feeling. It’s a beautiful extension of all the CC resources that I was already a huge fan of.
— Anupama Sekar
I’ve been following Career Contessa for a long time and I was thrilled to hear about this book. I can’t imagine a better time to learn about career reboots and pivots. Lauren McGoodwin’’s information is always stellar and I’m so grateful to have this in a book I can easily refer to again and again (you should see all the sticky notes I used in my copy). No matter where you are in your career, this book is an invaluable go-to resource.
— Amazed
Lauren has a really comprehensive view of career management in here - real examples, aspirational yet relatable action items, all packaged in a way that makes it feel do-able. I really loved the chapters on negotiation, gathering research on salaries and how to approach one’s company to advocate for oneself in a way that makes sense for both individual and the business. I finished the book and was inspired; it got my gears turning in a new way about my own career.
— Katie Lindahl Smith
Lauren has such great insights and it feels like she is speaking to your soul through this book. All I can say is this is a must read!
— Eyeris
Just received my copy today. I learned over the years in my career that for too long I was searching for that perfect role in a perfect company. True happiness comes from within and leading a career with passion and purpose is where the real fulfillment lies.
— Gabriel
As someone who studies generational dynamics and is a Millennial, the comments around “heard be everything” and “obsession for efficiency” resonated completely with me. I also appreciate that you integrated statistics from the Pew Research Center and Gallup, in addition to addressing differences based on identity characteristics. I knew you would include information about women with different identities than yourself and that is one of the many reasons I am excited about this book. Thank you for conquering the challenge of writing this book and sharing it will all of us!
— Power Moves Reader
Unlike so many career books that just encourage you to hustle harder in pursuit of the dream it assumes you already have and can articulate, this one hit me right where I am: trying to figure out what I want out of life and career, one year out of undergrad and feeling completely purposeless. Like the world has left me behind! I felt so encouraged yesterday to hear that you felt a similar way; it made me feel like I’m not the only one who experiences this. I’m very excited to read the rest of the book when it releases and hear your tips for identifying and finding the courage to take the next right step.
— Power Moves Reader
I love the conversational honesty and immediately applicable advice - as someone who is still early in my career, these kinds of books make me think I’m finding cheat codes and obstacles that others jumped through which I can now avoid, which is an awesome feeling. It’s a beautiful extension of all the CC resources that I was already a huge fan of.
— Anu
I’m currently 28 and having a quarter-life crisis regarding my career, furthering my education, and the future of my life as a whole. Listening to the beginning of your book helped me silence my swirling anxiety and gave me hope that I’ll survive, even if I don’t have it all planned out by 5 o’clock. :)
— Power Moves Reader